Adoption support fund
Adoption support fund
As a special guardian, you may be eligible to apply for up to £5,000 per annum for each of your children to meet their therapeutic needs and/or the therapeutic needs of your family. An additional £2,500 is available to carry out a needs assessment.
If the child or young person concerned has an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) they may access the fund until they are 25. You, rather than your child’s school or college, will need to apply for this funding.
If you are a Special Guardian, find out about your eligibility and Frequently Asked Questions on the Family Rights Group website: www.frg.org.uk/need-help-or-advice/family-and-friends-carers/the-adoption-support-fund-and-special-guardians
The charity first4adoption.org.uk has clear and comprehensive information about how adoption support funding works. Their available therapies section of their website offers helpful suggestions for and definitions of therapies that can be paid for with the ASF.
GOV.UK also has resources for adoption support funding, which you can view here.
Applying for Adoption support funding
If you live in Richmond and Kingston, contact your social worker or the duty social worker on 0208 547 4620 and they will take an adoption support referral.
For the Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead, contact the Adopt Thames Valley Permanence support team on 01865 323121 or by email at ATV.PermanenceSupport@oxfordshire.gov.uk