In July 2019 Adoption UK reported on their 'comprehensive stocktake of the experiences of adoptive families and their children across the UK in 2018. Their report revealed some of the challenges experienced by adopted children, including the frequency with which they experience their school's behaviour policies. In 2018, 25% of children had experienced school refusal or truanting and 30% had experienced being bullied because of their adoptive status. These figures are undoubtedly linked. Respondents to the survey also confirmed that the adverse experiences of these children had a negative affect on their ability to cope in education, socially and emotionally (81%) and academically (88%).
The AfC virtual school offers support to parents in working with their child's school to get them into school and to promote regular attendance. We offer training and advice to schools so that they can become trauma-informed and attachment-aware and provide the right, additional support needed by many previously-looked after children.
If children in your school are experiencing school refusal or poor attendance, please contact us for information and support on 0208 831 6037.