Spending the Pupil Premium Plus
How can the Pupil Premium Plus be used in schools?
Pupil Premium Plus funding will be paid directly to your school. Statutory guidance explains that this money should not be ring-fenced for individual children, unless there is only one eligible child in the school. In all other cases, funding is pooled to provide maximum impact for all eligible children within each school to address the wider needs of all children in receipt of Pupil Premium Plus.
Schools must demonstrate that the social, emotional and educational needs of each eligible child are being met through this fund. They must be transparent in their allocation of PPP and will be held accountable by Ofsted for their decisions. It is recommended that they publish details of how their Pupil Premium Plus funding is spent on their website. The designated teacher and other senior members of staff, often in consultation with the school’s Educational Psychologist, are involved in decisions about how to use the funding. Adoption UK advise that since parents are the experts on their children, they should also be involved in this partnership with educational professionals to bring their expertise to bear so that children get the best and most appropriate support available in school.
The adoption agency PAC-UK provides a useful list of suggestions for how the Pupil Premium Plus grant might be spent to provide nurture; scaffold children's social skills and peer relationships; support emotional literacy and emotion regulation; support children with transitions and change; develop children’s executive functioning skills and address barriers to information sharing and joint working in schools.